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Roberto Danesi is Knight of Labour

November 28, 2023

Roberto Danesi is a Knight of Labour of the Italian Republic
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Roberto Danesi is a Knight of Labour of the Italian Republic

Roberto Danesi is Knight of Labour

On October 18th, 2023, the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, awarded the prestigious honor of Knight of Labour to Roberto Danesi who, with his commitment and dedication, promoted the significant growth of the family roasting company.

The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella (on the right), awarding the honor of Knight of Labour to our President (on the left).

A tradition that began in 1905

Danesi has been synonymous with quality, tradition, and passion for Italian espresso coffee since 1905. Since then, the Danesi family has cultivated this heritage of know-how and knowledge by promoting the art of Made in Italy. 

The company continues to maintain its standards of excellence, which have distinguished it for over a century, evolving towards sustainability.

The 1970s: the beginning of international expansion.

In the Seventies, it was Roberto himself, with his foresight, supported by his father Giovanni, who started the process of international expansion of the company, thus, contributing to spreading the tradition of Italian Espresso throughout the world, starting from Europe and United States.

In fact, in those years, following his plans, the first American branch was inaugurated, in New York, right on Fifth Avenue, followed by other branches in Los Angeles (California), and Florida.

Roberto Danesi’s pioneering vision, carried forward throughout the 1980s and 1990s, led the family brand to over 50 countries around the world.

Currently exports represent over 70 percent of the company’s turnover: “(…) but I still remember with emotion when, as a young man, I traveled throughout the United States and by train through Russia, a country then almost unknown. 

I was armed only with my briefcase and my determination (…)” says Knight of Labour President Roberto Danesi in an interview with Sole24ore financial newspaper.

The 2000s: the fourth generation

Today Roberto leads the company together with his daughters Giorgia, Giordana and Ilaria, the fourth generation of the Danesi family, with whom he has developed short supply chain projects to support small coffee producers in Central and South America and in Africa, from whom he purchases and ensures superior quality coffee.

Roberto Danesi has already undertaken in-depth work projects on the structural and technological redevelopment of the company in the name of ecological transition, in line with the challenges and trends of the future.

Roberto Danesi is the representation of continuity between past and present, which contributes to keeping the great legacy of Danesi Caffè alive.

His dedication, sacrifice and humility characterized and distinguished his leadership, inspiring all those who worked with him to always give their best. 

This title of Knight of Labour is a well-deserved recognition for his extraordinary contribution to the Italian coffee industry and culture. 

It is also a tribute to the tradition, family and passion that have always been at the center of this historic top quality Roman brand, which continues to be a point of reference in this industry, maintaining its Italian roots firm and successfully projecting itself towards the future.